What does gandom stand for?

The word ‘Gandom’ originates from Persian, and translates to ‘wheat’. Wheat is considered one of the most basic components of diets worldwide, and has been consumed by people of all races, geographies, and religions throughout history. In a world where people are separated into different groups, wheat can be found on both sides of all borders, and can be used as a unifying factor between people. 


Our mission is to advocate for, build capacity in, and forge networks with vulnerable people worldwide in order to create a world with empowered people who have the ability to create the life they want. 


Gandom’s core values are rooted in inclusivity and respect for human rights. We believe in approaching social issues by targeting the root causes and looking at the intersection of vulnerabilities. Moreover, we value a holistic approach in our work, and in promoting localization we place the need of the marginalized groups in the center of all our efforts. 


Gandom’s vision is to see a world where human rights and peace are a reality for everyone, and where dignity and sustainability are at the core of development work.

Our work can be divided into three main pillars:

Our team

The Gandom team is best described as diverse but united. We differ in cultural and geographical backgrounds. We differ in educational and professional backgrounds. We differ in sexual orientations and political opinions. However, we are united in our shared belief in Gandom’s vision and mission. Through Gandom we pool together our time and abilities to build bridges and better the lives of others. We share a common drive and sense of duty to work towards a world where human rights and peace are a reality for everyone, and we put dignity and sustainability at the center of these efforts. 

In our work around the world we have found that this drive and motivation can be found in people from all walks of life. We therefore build partnerships and share our vision with people from all over the world.

Mahan Charmshir
Mahan CharmshirCo-founder & Director
Jasmijn van de Rozenberg
Jasmijn van de RozenbergCo-founder & Operational Manager
Manouk van der Klundert
Manouk van der KlundertCo-Founder & Program Manager